His incriminating tweet read: ‘@Rihanna, you got that pic I sent you.’
This picture was not known, but online rumors have suggested that this could be a steamy photo.
Brown certainly has the form when it comes to showing their bits. A full frontal image recently circulated on the Internet naked photos of himself in the mirror.
Rihanna latest twist last month, fans reacted with fury, which was more upset with each other on Twitter when it emerged the boy said.
At the time, Rihanna defended her actions, saying: ‘It’s Twitter, not the altar! Calm down.’
In February, a restraining order against Brown, he agreed to take. This came almost two years after he been kicked around 22 years before the Grammy Awards.
After lifting the ban, Riri said she wanted to make Brown’s life easier, adding: ‘I just didn’t want to make it more difficult for him professionally. What he did was a personal thing – it had nothing to do with his career. Saying he has to be 100ft away from me, he can’t perform at awards shows – that definitely made it difficult for him.’
She rejected talk of a reunion, however, insisting: ‘It doesn’t mean we’re gonna make up or even talk again.’